KR https://t.co/VP7WffWBL0
EN https://t.co/HjzQpYvVvE
ES https://t.co/sUvpEhHfxy
FR https://t.co/2W2J3mVRta
JP https://t.co/6QK7TLOf7x
The translation of<Full Volume>ep 40’s last scene has corrected for right intention. Please be advised and read accordingly

358 2801

that was intense 🔥 Dowon's alpha side is showing jk 😂

0 7

마이크없이도들려 40화 업로드
오늘썸네일 고르기힘들었읍니다..

KR https://t.co/dlCcUeaNCv
EN https://t.co/B8h0ddOfON
ES https://t.co/sUvpEhHfxy
FR https://t.co/2W2J3mVRta
JP https://t.co/6QK7TLOf7x

540 3931

I wasn’t planning on crying this morning 😭

1 6

2코인으로 할인이벤트중~
새해맞이 떡대수고자극 느껴보쉐요 , ,❤️‍🔥

118 1066

In a few hours this spoiler will be seen in the next chapter? I'm excited🥴

2 4

I cannot with these cringey fanfic titles 😆😆 Are they also going to read the second story?? 😭😆

1 13

마이크없이도들려 34화 업로드!
현대 일상BL에서 고자극 촉수맛을 느껴보세요

KR https://t.co/cm5RnIKXnF
EN https://t.co/n1mDd4poRm
ES https://t.co/sUvpEhYizy
JP 😴

363 3233

Whenever something slightly inconveniences me

7 38

시즌2 오픈기념 2화까지무료입니다

이기회에 맛보기 고고🐯👍

113 1187