200516 Fanart of Yixing on GoFighting6
by 音药水x
Cuuuuuuute Baby Xing😘😘😘
(The 4th pic reads "I wanna eat jelly candies")

46 66

200517 Fanart of Yixing on CZR2
by 力一一拔山兮气盖世x
Cute Joker, cool Joker;
Baby Yixing in the noble lotus flower

40 64

200510 Fanart of Yixing's 4th Album
by 肖庐yours
The c-fans are so much inspired by the twin lotus idea in the artwork 🤭

140 194

200509 Fanart of Yixing on CZR2
Your brain just can't forget this line after Yixing's impressive "Ambush" performance😏

62 80

200508 Fanart of Yixing on CZR2
by -呱呱冲冲-(GUE太)
They are from 4 different scenes in CZR2 EP04, can you find these cute moments?

34 69

200506 Fanart of Yixing on CZR2
by 席卷全球的YixingMusic
Yixing in Joker / Love Lay / Flipped
So adorable! Yixing fits so well in flowers!

77 130

200501 Fanart of Yixing on CZR2
by Nicty镜像X
Joker Yixing x Flipped Yixing
Amazing Yixing drawn by an amazing artist😍😍😍😍😍😍

54 79