Don't forget 3.OCT.11

866 3811


1238 3508

Day 3 - Newest OC [ ]
(I have yet to draw them but)

Introducing the Wilhelmine twins, Wylie and Wynn. Wylie's in NRC while Wynn's in DNC. Savanaclaw and Savahra respectively. They're both werewolves.

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Don’t forget 3.OCT.11

18 42

A lesson without pain is meaningless.That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something.But by enduring that pain and overcoming it,he shall obtain a powerful unmatched heart. A fullmetal heart.
- Edward Elric

Don't forget 3.OCT.11

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Don't forget 3.Oct.11


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Don't forget 3.OCT.11

1990 5481

Day 2 - First OC [ ]

Introducing Danielle!!! My very first oc/sona 🥺. Her real name is actually Lee Ji-Ah. She is Mankai's Co-Director from Y2 Book 7! She gets a little bossy and wants things in order. (+)

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if you dont have an edgy fallen angel.....elf...oc from 2009 that you redraw when youre finally skilled enough, WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING.
anyway this is Deus. LOL.

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