Orazio Borgianni.1574-1616. Saint Christopher carrying the Infant Christ.1615. National Gallery of Scotland.

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Élisabeth d'Autriche
在位:1570年11月26日 - 1574年5月30日
ウィーンでマクシミリアン2世の第5子として生まれる。兄に皇帝ルドルフ2世、弟に皇帝マティアスがいる。 すでにフランス王であったシャルル9世(19歳)と16歳の時に結婚。#HOP4

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14 31

【手動操縦のスカイ・ゴーレム】 1574/2280

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よろしければフォローやライバル登録ぜひ~( ˘ω˘ )
INFINITAS : C-9641-8122-1574
AC : 1784-2718

1 1

Somebody found a bag of fish treats. ;) 1574

1 9

25 décembre 1635
Mort de Samuel de Champlain. Il était né à Brouage (Charente-Maritime) entre 1567 et 1574 (peut-être baptisé le 13 août 1574 à La Rochelle au Temple Saint-Yon).
(Tableau: Suzor-Côté https://t.co/o1OzcLUr2y)

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고믹 참가 서클 숫자
버추얼 유튜버-836

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Day 5
Eustachian tube named after Bartholomaeus Eustachius an Italian anatomist 1520-1574. Professor of anatomy in Rome and physician to the pope.
What do you call this?

7 15

関わって頂いた方々に感謝٩( 'ヮ' )و

1 14

C'est la merveille des merveilles : le plafond peint par Giovanni Antonio da Varese et Giovanni de'Vecchi (1573-1574) dans la salle de la mappemonde du palais Farnese à Caprarola. Un site à voir absolument !

31 112

The Parable of the Sower and the Seed: The Seed Falling by the Way Side (after Gerard Van Groeningen, active Antwerp 1563-1573), Gerard van Groeningen, 1574 https://t.co/yQKiRpoDFU

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Map of Holland in 1574, from children's book 'Kees Admiral of Tulips', Moscow 1975 https://t.co/3UyajIEE9J

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1574. KOF 시리즈 - 루갈 번스타인

23 34

【半導体指数SOX】+1.85% (+28.63) 1574.39
d w

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13 56

Giorgio di Vasari(1511-1574)Italian Painter/Architect/Art Historian. Respected painter/architect, especially his frescos & use of Mannerism style 2 intensify biblical narratives. Most agree his great contribution was: The Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors & Architects

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Giorgio Vasari.1511-1574.and Christofano Gherardi.1508-1556. The Mutilation of Uranus by Saturn.

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Commissionata dalla Repubblica di Venezia a Tiziano nel 1555, la tela "Doge Antonio Grimani in adorazione della Fede”. si trovava nella bottega del pittore all'epoca dell'incendio del 1574. Per questo motivo possiamo ammirarla ancora oggi.

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