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Born #OnThisDay in 1642: #CosimoIIIdeMedici (1642-1723), Grand Duke of Tuscany
Portrait by #JustusSustermans (1597-1681), ca. 1660
#CosimoIII #Medici
@polluxgeminorum @Din0Mini Olá, sou a Sumii, tenho 22 (quase 23), do Ceará. Faço stream na twitch e to trabalhando numa comic que as vezes mostro por lá.
Tenho poucas artes postadas, mas aqui vão 3 que gosto muito.
Born #OnThisDay in 1674: #PhilippeII, Duke of Orléans (1674-1723), Regent of France
Portrait with his mistress #MadamedeParabère as Minerva by #JeanBaptisteSanterre (1651-1717), ca. 1715-6
#Bourbon #BourbonOrléans
Born #OnThisDay in 1674: #PhilippeII, Duke of Orléans (1674-1723), Regent of France
Portrait after #JeanBaptisteSanterre (1651-1717), after 1717
#Bourbon #BourbonOrléans
It was just as well that he left Russia when he did. One cannot imagine the USSR approving of his Russian Faces or his individuality. Faces of Russia (c1923), The Twins (1922-3), The Harlot of Marseille (1923) & German Butcher (1938)
His style was fairly constant yet his charismatic portraits grab at the viewer & demand attention. Sergei Esenin as a Youth (c1923), The Model (c1926), Woman Reading (c1922) & Lev Shestov (1922)
Throwback to 2016 (I was 23), when I mostly did artworks featuring animals.
The Gentileschis won the trial, but with the reputation of the daughter besmirched in public eyes. Artemisia’s father quickly married her off to a minor artist from Florence - to which the pair moved. Judith (1623), Aurora (1625-7) & Venus & Cupid (c1625-7)
Van Dyck’s work lacks Ruben’s gymnastic dynamics but has a stately & elegant movement instead. Sir Robert Shirley (1622), Cardinal Bentivoglio (1623), Portrait of a Noblewoman (c1623) & Marchesa Elena Grimaldi (c1623)
Born #OnThisDay in 1735: French painter #JosephDucreux (1735-1802)
Portrait of Charles Joseph de Pallu (1753-1823), 18th century
#Ducreux #FrenchArt
Hi! My name is Dani Campbell (23), animation grad with little focus but mostly I like drawing Miku and Harvest Moon and sometimes strong fish people cuz why not #drawingwhileblack
Born #OnThisDay in 1630: #CharlesII of England, Scotland & Ireland (1630-85)
Portrait by #GodfreyKneller (1646-1723), ca. 1685
#Stuart #Restoration
Born #OnThisDay in 1660: #GeorgeI, King of Great Britain & Ireland (1660-1727)
Portrait by #GodfreyKneller (1646-1723), 1716
NOW STREAMING: "The Sombering"
🔊 https://t.co/R3taifqA4b
We review new albums from @the1975 (1:07:23), @rileym4a (49:30), & @CrossfaithJapan (1:02:12)! Plus news from @meganfox @CrownTheEmpire @Northlane & lots more!
Born #OnThisDay in 1650: English soldier and statesman #JohnChurchill, Duke of Marlborough, Prince of the Holy Roman Empire
Portrait after #GodfreyKneller (1646-1723), ca 1690
#Marlborough #Churchill
I'm Gin (23), a sort of an artist from Italy.
I like bright colours and sharp contrast, but my greatest passion is theory of visual arts.
➡️Ada de Hollande en exil, par JA Kruseman, XIX
➡️Ada de Hollande, XV.
Ada de Hollande (1188-1223), comtesse de Hollande 1203-7.
1203: son père Thierry VII, comte de Hollande, meurt. Son oncle Guillaume veut son territoire.
Enfermée ds la citadelle de Leyde par des pro-Guillaume.
@miccasse_art Hello~! Thank you for this!
Aoshin here from the Philippines!
I mostly do anime/videogame fanart. I'm not usually active here for art (only FB and IG, both are Aoshin23), but this year I'll try to be.
I'm currently having a 15% off on commissions!
Born #OnThisDay in 1653: Prince #GeorgeofDenmark and Norway, Duke of Cumberland (1653-1708), son of #FrederikIII, husband of #QueenAnne of Great-Britain
Portrait by #GodfreyKneller (1646-1723), ca. 1704
#Oldenburg #Stuart
Critics have claimed to see genitalia in her work. She disagreed. Given the power & universality of her subconscious they saw what they themselves wanted to. Grey Line with Black, Blue & Yellow (1923), Pattern of Leaves (1923), Red Canna (1924) & Flower of Life II (1925)