After all the Battles are done... Reaper decides to test his might... With a Fierce Demon...

(Widore - )


14 26

Hi I'm MrDulfin and my art is never consitent :)
I like making the cartoon and watching the cartoon. my follower goal is 1000 followers by the end of the year 😎
Currently in the To2Souls, hope to get to round 4
also I have an artfol that everyone should follow

6 13

Round 3: The Red Asters Vs Kira and Delilah!

16 41

Build 'n' Bash's denial crystal waifu!

17 65

Had to design the dang beach attire before drawing the comic it's for lol
I heard "beach" and BAM! Ready for fun in the sun!

2 9

Sora is still sleeping lol

He found a job at the To2S, but I'm still searching for a job myself

6 18

But in all seriousness, Pecan reflects on how she wound up there in the first place, pretty much lining up with her "looking for a job" while looking into this situation. Her friend Flan as usual expressing how worried she was.

15 39

Round 3: Battle

& (Kira and Delilah)


& (The Red Asters)

(Location: Galactic Casino)


(Information on both teams down below)

6 29

Round 3: Battle

& (Team Overdrive)


& (Hot N Cold)


(Information on both teams down below)

39 131

Round 3: Battle

& (Pride & Punishment)


& (Team Frostbite)


(Information on both teams down below)

6 20

Round 3: Battle

& (Team Grappler)


& (The Ethereal Emperors)

(Location: Galactic Casino)


(Information on both teams down below)

7 24

Here’s is my entry for I hope you guys enjoy it! -Prim belongs to . (1/2)

7 18

Team "Abyssal Nightmare" ready to sow chaos and destruction and have some fun :)

23 73

PAGE 1!!
[ Team Blitzkrieg vs Team Super Bionic Duo of Justice ]

Very very new to this greyscale style, any feedback is VERY welcome!

9 24

Yo I'm bad making comics and this is late but uh...

5 21

Round 2: Battle

& (Crimson Cops)


& (Team Metallic Breakdown)

(Location: Snowy Mountains)


(Information on both teams down below)

11 33