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Runaways #36/98
Words @rainbowrowell
Art Andrés Genolet @deezoid
ABCs @JoeCaramagna
The solicits for this book only say they can't solicit anything cause everything is spoilers!
I can say though that the ending of the last issue has got me THRILLED to read this one!
Daredevil #30/642
Words @zdarsky
Art @MChecC @MikeHawthorne @Adr_Ben @Menyz
ABCs @ClaytonCowles
Marco Checchetto:
Comic Book Hero Hairstyles Artbook when?
I is for Indian Giant Squirrel for @AnimalAlphabets ‘ Rainforest themed ABCs
#animalalphabets #indiangiantsquirrel #rainforest #ABCs #illustration
Search “My Self Love ABCs” on the Miiriya app (an app that lets you shop different black owned businesses on one app) https://t.co/jcGnToyNbu
Magic #2
Words @jedmackay
Art Ig Guara, @aranciastudio
ABCs @eDukeDW
I was a Magic nerd for years but I gave it up once I started to get into comics (cause $$$) and i am so HAPPY to see some of my most favorite planeswalkers in a story (Kaya!)
Giant-Size Amazing Spider-man #1
A Kings Ransom
Words @nickspencer
Art @Rogeantonio @Sinccolor
ABCs @CommentAiry
It all leads to this!
Tombstone! Kingpin! Robbie! Beetle! Boomerang! Spider-man!
A whole bunch of stories come to fruition so this is a book not to be missed!
Fantastic Four #32/677
Words @DanSlott
Art @RB_Silva @javiercaster @aburtov
ABCs @JoeCaramagna
Dan Slott you dare to break up the power couple Johnny and Sky!?
Prepare to face the wrath of DOOM! Cause your cordially invited to his wedding! Part 1 begins tomorrow!!!
H is for a slightly belated Harpy Eagle for @AnimalAlphabets ‘ Rainforest themed ABCs
#animalalphabets #harpyeagle #illustration
G is for the Golden Lion Tamarin for @AnimalAlphabets ‘ Rainforest themed ABCs.
#AnimalAlphabets #GoldenLionTamarin #rainforest #illustration
Firepower #11
Words @RobertKirkman
Art @ChrisSamnee @COLORnMATT
Abcs @ruswooton
Firepower is one of the coolest books on the stands. And now we're reaching a point in the series that I'm not sure can even be topped!
@possbeth @lessonpix two students, Hannah B & Alanna, used the LessonPix add on in PowerPoint to create an ABCs of AAC book- check out some of the beautiful pages! #AugComm
tiny boy
does not know anything
does not even know ABCs
all he knows
is be tiny
HERE IS THE GRAND REVEAL OF Butterball!! 😋My fairy moth familiar given to me by Titania the Queen of the Fairies !!! 😳
(thank you @CrystalCaverns for being his mama! 😭HE LOOKS SO GOOD!)
Robin #1
Words @Williamson_Josh
Art @GlebMelnikov8
Abcs @troypeteri
The book that's been building up in the background of Batman finally has their first issue out!
Great team taking on the book. Cool new costume, new villains and an awesome mom!
Detective Comics #1035 / Huntress
Words @marikotamaki
Art @Danmora_c / @claytonhenryart
@RedCube_Studio (Bellaire)
Abcs @adityab
Gotta tell yall I love these two stories in one comic thing! I get twice as much Tamaki now!
Plus this new take on Batman is REALLY good!
Cyberpunk 2077: You Have My Word #1
Words @sztybor_writes
Art @chushervas Giulia Brusco
Abcs @GoFrankGo
Despite the rollout problems of the game, I am absolutely enamored with the world the team has built. EAGER to get any glimpse of it I can!
Not to mention the art previews!
Beta Ray Bill #2
Words/Art @danielwarrenart
Color @SpicerColor
Abcs @JoeSabino
I missed out on posting the first issue but I'm correcting that horrific mistake!
DWJ continues to amaze combining his great character work with art that defies the genre!
(21/36) @36daysoftype #36days_U #36daysoftype08
Just 5 more til the ABCs are done 🥺
Next up for our Dungeons and Dragons' Cute Monster Manual ABCs is G is for Gargoyle! This cute little gargoyle loves chaos and destruction as much as the next gargoyle... is it really her fault she's so darn cute? And she's available in my shop as a tee!
Lady Baltimore #2
Words @artofmmignola @ChristophGolden
Art @bridgitconnell Michelle Madsen
ABCs @ClemRobins
Baltimore universe extended!
War has exploded back into being! And with Lord Baltimore finally at rest it's up to his wife to take on the dreaded witch Yelena!