Blue sky above
So perfectly you stand
The smile on your face
Overlooking the beach
Ocean and sand
Perfect sunshine
A warm summer heat

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Everyday and Every Night
Ain't That A Shame
Only In America

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Intruder lies to me and you
He doesn't have anything to lose
Intruder can speak and spell fast
No one knows or understands

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It just goes to show you that nobody knows
And you never really can tell
Welcome to the jungle

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Good behavior is more deceptive than you might think
Good behavior may be covering up some really bad tendencies

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Nowadays no one wants to take responsibility for anything
Deny Deny Deny

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Simple answer
No one can predict the future
People can arrange and plan ahead but no one knows what tomorrow will bring
Things change quickly
Time waits for no one
Do the best you can and you'll be the better for it 🇺🇲

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Intruder what can you do
Intruder there's nothing you really can do
Sooner or Later
Someday Someway
Don't know how
Intruder will surprise you too

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Intruder keeps up on things
Intruder stays on track
Intruder tracks everything
Your location
Private places
Public spaces
Intruder there's nothing money can't buy

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Intruder Just can't wait
Intruder has no problems at all
Intruder makes it look easy
Intruder Never forgets
Intruder waits for us all


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Early morning
Intruder in the daytime
Late at night
Intruder is up every night
Intruder goes there early
Intruder creeps into the night

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Intruder stands over there
Intruder watches people go by
Intruder up to no good
Intruder walking down the street
Intruder waiting right outside

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Intruder it makes no sense
Intruder you can't control
Intruder what happens next
Intruder no one knows what to do about you

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Intruder dances with you
Intruder feel so close
Intruder feel so good
Intruder takes it away
Intruder makes you want more


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Intruder target
Intruder sitting duck
Intruder victim
Men and women
Get nothing back
Once it's stolen
It never comes back
Intruder what can you do
Intruder is waiting for you

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Intruder is looking at you
No chance
No surprise
Once inside
Intruder never let's it go by
Big money
Gold watches
Diamond rings
Intruder wants to take it from you

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