블레이블루 센트럴픽션 예선이 시작되었습니다!

▼생방송 링크

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We're excited for this weekend! Not able to attend in-person? No worries—you can watch all of the action LIVE. The schedule and details are here: https://t.co/06flrRbp2j

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Hot off the heels of the Europe has one more stop coming in May!

Sweden's is the final European stop. with and all in the main line up.

Earn a chance to reach the Grand Finals! For more info/sign ups:

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Tune into at 5pm PST where we'll be recapping our awesome announcements from last week.

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아크레보 월드투어의 최종 결승, 아크레보 아메리카 결승 일정이 공개되었습니다!

일정: 11/16~17(현지 기준)
장소: 미국 캘리포니아 대학 어바인 캠버스 스튜던트 센터
▼자세한 정보(영어)

한국 예선도 준비중이니, 많은 기대 부탁드립니다!

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アークシステムワークスが全世界に贈るeスポーツ大会「ARCREVO WORLD TOUR」の最終決勝大会「Arcrevo America 2019」の新情報を公開!

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So 2019 will not only be a great event for fighting game ethusiasts w. plenty of side-tournaments, but it is also part of the ArcRevo World Tour. GGXrd-, BBCF- and BBTag-players: come one come all to Malmö 3-5 May!!! Plz RT.

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11月にはDOAFES & ARCREVOにも機材サポート致しました😇 どちらも

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「ARCREVO Japan 2018」で活躍したヤマシタ選手、おみと選手、剛田選手、小路KOG選手にJeSUプロライセンスが発行!! https://t.co/GY2IL9QFLr

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サミット氏ARCREVO JAPAN準おめでとうございます。

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明日はいよいよARCREVO Japan 2018です!

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We are SO EXCITED to be bringing the top-placing US players from EVO out to compete at ARCREVO Japan 2018!

Everyone, please send your energy to (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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Good morning guys!

Since the news is out, the next big trip for me is JAPAN for the ArcRevo tournament!!

It's been a dream of mine to visit Japan for the competition and it's finally happening thanks to !! 😭😭😭

My friends in Japan, I'll see you guys soon~

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European Qualifiers! (SO) Jackal (MI) and (FA) . Let's see if I can get them to wear it on a shirt 👀

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Rare footage of Machaboo and his team shortly before ArcRevo

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