I adore Sapnap and was inspired by spxze.alien's amazing cosplay so I drew him with my own little twist!

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i rly like the comfy clothes but i thought it might be fun to give her a silly alt outfit that gives 'alien' vibes kinda like these ;;

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...said about a literal-death-goddess's infatuation with the poor alien's powers.

In a number of ways, New Mutants (as a series) has been about confronting a loss of innocence, which leaves me wondering what that process might have more fully looked like for Warlock had it...

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Artworks # 119-122 of 366

Master available on


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繋いだ星座のラブレター - Broken By The Scream (AN ALIEN'S PORTRAIT)

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Artworks # 111-114 of 366

Master available on


8 32

Alien's a hopeless romantic - most Cupidians are, but even by their standards, he's a big sap.

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alien's very used to living in spaces where things are placed fairly spaced out, to account for cupidians' long, prehensile tails. when he gets excited, his tail wiggles and lashes like a cat's, and he's become prone to knocking things over in human homes.

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as far as ears and antennae go, they come in a number of sizes on cupidians. alien's are considered much shorter than an average cupidian's!

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サヨナラバースデー - Broken By The Scream (AN ALIEN'S PORTRAIT)

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Some doodles I did in Octalien's Server

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Warlock shares the story of his rejection and escape, and the New Mutants finally begin to see what's behind the alien's unusual form.

Just as all of them were, Warlock is alone in the world, rejected for his differences. He needs a family...

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恋は乙女の泣きどころ - Broken By The Scream (AN ALIEN'S PORTRAIT)

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I'm Cadence, and I'm announcing MY DEBUT!
I'm the number one Alien Enthusiast, and I'm streaming to hope to broadcast out and catch a cute alien's eye (Or yours~)

Come see me MAY 8TH at 8PM PST!

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Artworks № 91-94 of 366

Master available on


3 23