Hello dylanchan! Im a vtuber artist. Here is my portfolio. If your friend interested in my work , please dm me ^^b

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Not an art post but,,, her 👀 Brain go brr

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"Não peço o nirvana, mas sim você."

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> ヴィネ様で逆バニーor透明バニーをお願いします https://t.co/TfkUCMQpL4

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> 耳かきされて気持ちよさそうによだれ垂らしてるJCBちゃんをお願いしますんぬ https://t.co/PbEElUpPDs

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Vendredi sur le festival Quai des Bulles à Saint-Malo j'animerai les rencontres de :
- Dragan Paunovic pour L'insurgée de Varsovie à 11h30
- Pierre Tranchand / Pica pour les Profs et son oeuvre à 14h30
- Alain Le Quernec : affichiste, à 16h.

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- hocochanchan https://t.co/tFr3oHXOJ0

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【同人誌 装丁デザイン】
蘭(@ ranchan_daaa )さまの新刊の表紙デザインを担当しました。甘く可愛らしい、少し特別感のある柔らかな雰囲気でデザインさせていただきました!タイトル部分はつや消し金の箔押し予定です✨

イラスト:高沢(@ takasawa_kz_e)さま

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🎈Happy Birthday Day🎂Kanna Hakari👼🐻

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i got my sanchan comm back from @/loveariddle_ 🥹🥹🥹 please view….

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From the V&A collection: IS.268-1961 Painting Shiva Panchanan V&A In store https://t.co/VDhmOobhd2

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Commission YCH for @\UkeChanChan1



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Anchans mostly live underwater but have both lungs and gills which they use interchangeably. Clashes with land dwellers are common in Tiuhuacan due to an increase in water pollution which is an extreme environmental and health concern for their community.

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Anchans living in Tiuhtlan are split between three dominant cultures and can be found in Chikchan, Akua, and Tiuhuacan. In fact, they were the first inhabitants of the now bustling capital Tiuhuacan and are still a strong presence in the city’s aquatic sector.

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