Blue Room artist Suzie Audrey has been drawing flowers as part of the What do you have growing at home? Do you know any facts about plants? 🌱🌻#blueroomathome

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Done for ‘s artchallenge. By the way I started to work out regularly, but doing the movements over and over again is really boring. Do you have a solution for this?

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I‘m sorry you had to wait so long, but now they‘re finally finished. My take on the It‘s so so different from my usual detailed portrait style, but I really wanted to try. I‘m feeling highly insecure though sharing those. I hope you like them. 😘

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Mario for the third Thanks for the suggestion, ! I have a newfound respect for Nintendo's designs - how they managed to give appeal to a dumpy, middle-aged plumber is pretty amazing when you think about it.

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Number 26 Spooooky family. Here's a link to the reference archive if you wanna give it a try.

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Day 18 Celtic knots. If you've known me for a while, you'll recall I went through an obsessive phase with these, which has now morphed into a desire to learn actual knot theory. This is from a while ago, but it gives you the gist. Instructions below. 1/5

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Today I challenged Thanks to the great refs, I was able to give a cool body and story to my buddy I made a few days ago. I'll keep going in my spare time!
Thank you for sharing challenges with the fascinating refs !

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Finished this last night for the Word prompt this week was "Survive" C:<

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Another picture for the Based off of random character, animal, or pokemon generators. This one is a character generator. A female wizard tortle

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Another picture for the Based off of random character, animal, or pokemon generators. This one is a character generator. A female wizard tortle

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Not sure if I have to be tagged or not for this lol but here's my It looked pretty fun to try. 2016->2017->2018->2019

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Here's a tree stump i came up with for 's The silhouette was provided by .

not terribly happy with it but didn't want to spent too much time on it :)

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been tagged by and to do the
I hope these are okay. =w=;;

I tagged

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Day 10. Well i didn't think I'd get it done in time. but here it is, 10 days, 100 heads. It's been a really good training exercise that for damned sure. 100% recommend.

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Day 3 of the Drawing your protagonist and companion together.

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day 3 of had a lot to do today, so this one is actually an old small scribble I did months ago but never uploaded.

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Day 100 of my’s all folks! So long and thanks for all the fish!

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