"Atua is telling me that you guys need to buy bitcoin. Invest in crypto"

11 46


Uma: "So now you want to make stuff up! Okay! OKAY! Atua said that you are a delusional little believer!"

Shika: "UMA!"

0 0

Uma: "Atua? Is he non-existent like your chest!"

Uma! WHY! Uma been with Miu for so long!


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1 10

Nyahahaha Yes! Atua is pleased! you will have his luck on your side!

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angie yonaga (danganronpav3)
questionable taste but its ok she can sacrifice me to atua

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atua says tou stop drawing and work on your goddamn finals

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Atua says you may now kiss the groom~

250 962

✨ Praise Atua ✨

6 19

Palestrante Keynote confirmado! Sam Rodriguez atua em diferentes campos do design, colaborando com marcas como: Puma, Linkedin, Google e Samsung. Sam já foi capa da Zupi, e tem seu trabalho espalhado por galerias e museus do mundo todo.
Acesse: https://t.co/G8PQj09hG2

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Angie: Atua can be whatever you want him to be!
Kokichi: Can Atua be a brony? :D
Angie: I change my mind

5 10

☀️ praise Atua! ☀️

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* Thanks Atua it's Friday!

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Happy Birthday Angie Yonaga!! Make sure to make an extra blood sacrifice to Atua today !

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