Max Beckmann, Holzfäller.

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Two Circus Artists or Snake Charmer and Clown

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Die Nacht, La Nuit, 1918-1919
"Dans cette œuvre effrayante, véritable cauchemar, trois personnages torturent un couple et enlèvent leur fille. Le tableau, plein à craquer, vole en éclats sous la violence des gestes des bourreaux."

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“Art like prayer is a hand outstretched in the darkness, seeking for some touch of grace which will transform it into a hand that bestows gifts.”- Franz Kafka.

" Winter Moonlight", 1902

By Max Beckmann, Jewish-German,(1884-1950)

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" Snow Landscape at Garmisch", 1934

By Max Beckmann ( 1884 Germany – 1950 New York), German-Jewish artist, an expressionist painter; persecuted by the Nazis- who termed virtually all modern art as "degenerate" or "Jewish"- Max Beckmann fled to the Netherlands in 1937.

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Otototo~ Benn Beckmann~

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The Iron Bridge (View of Frankfurt) - Max Beckmann, 1922

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«Non lo disse ad alta voce perché sapeva che a dirle, le cose belle non succedono».

Ernest Hemingway, “Il vecchio e il mare”

Max Beckmann, Autoritratto con bolle

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Max Beckmann - Self-Portrait with Cigarette - 1947

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