Howdy! I’m Capp! I draw a lot of BenchTrio/BeeDuo and BearSMP! I have a follower goal of 300
I got into digital art cause yearsss ago I saw a lot of neat artists doing digital art and I thought digital would help me save money on materials lmaooo

2 8

Shhh...He's looking at the sunset :D

Bearbubb is just genuinely one of my favorite ccs. Their streams are always so comforting after I've had a stressful day. Much love /p to Bear!


5 55

aimsey and bear
[rts appreciated + plz untag]

206 2469

Happy Birthday again Guqqie you are so cool and awesome!!:]]

1 53

c!SpringDuo :]

These two are testing my limits when it comes to drawing /hj /lh


2 44

I think he's pretty neat

3 12

TFW you make friends with an ancient trickster god (untag replies)

107 1287

I definitely want to make more art of Aimsey soon:)

204 3526

I’m so hyped for on the Bear SMP! I saw the skin and immediately went, yep art time

3 18

Hello, thanks for doing this!! My name is Jasper and I draw a lot of dream smp and bearsmp content!

1 2

I'm late but 's stream really made me wanna draw this-
Retweets appreciates :)

2 14

aimsey aimsey aimseyyyy !!! ^_^

57 782