J’ai 12 animaux du bestiaire dans le même esprit dont ces trois là, puis d’autres assez proches dans le concept.
Je travaille également sur une classification parce qu’il commence à y avoir du monde dans ce bestiaire!

Content qu’ils vous plaisent.

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Here's the one I've really been waiting for! The beastiary began off the idea of what traditional fantasy monsters would look like if they were in Essentia, and kobolds were definitely my first instinct. My server was really excited about this one, hope ya'll like it!

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Some quirky mechanical beasts for the beastiary! My server were quite big fans of the Snapwire, so I hope ya'll em too. Also our first 4 star, you definitely wanna steer clear of that weird thing.

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We've got some alternates with this one! Another page to the beastiary. I'll be posting the full thing to my deviantart once it's finished.

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Another page to the beastiary! The Gazer is prolly one of my personal favorite designs from the list I have so far. Hope ya'll like em!

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