I'm super love this so much ❤
Poor her 😭 she already broken by Blitz.

16 79

Today, the imp known as Blitz.. thats me.. is running on coffee and auto pilot ..

This days gonna be greaaat.

... more caffiene is needed.

2 16

Hey, what gives!? I'm a grown-ass woman, D-... Blitz... I can do what I want!

104 665

A big daddy-type cinderace for Blitz.

37 137

Oh there's tons of alien species in my verse. From the Tentarex like Squib to the Eyesquelchers like Splatterbone and Shedo, and the Forgeon like Blitz. So many worlds to develop

1 4

Friendly love?
Stritzo is in love with Mollie but doesn't want to say it.
This will be shown in detail in the second chapter of the comic.
But we can watch them.)

Stritzo son of Striker and Blitz.
Mollie daughter of Moxxie and Millie.
Characters belongs to me.

1 14

FRITZ BLITZ. for ⚡️💙

14 193

Thank you to this person https://t.co/f2aKFxJhYM for such a nice art.
I like that.)

Stritzo son of Striker and Blitz.
Stritzo belongs to me.

4 26

The London docks suffered the initial onslaught of day one of the Blitz. By the end of the day, German planes had dropped 337 tons of bombs on London.
George Rodger's images taken throughout the London blitz.

4 50

Well, here is his adult version. It looks good. As an adult, he looks just like his Striker father.)

Stritzo son of Striker and Blitz.
Stritzo belongs to me.

0 19

Human Stritzo.
And here is our Stritzo(or Striker Jr.) only in human form.
He has the outlines of two fathers Striker and Blitz.

Yes, Striker is not always, but sometimes he can call it Junior.(Striker Jr.)

Stritzo(Jr.) son of Striker and Blitz.
Stritzo belongs to me.

1 17

Baby Stritzo after the first month of birth.
He stirs slightly as the Striker tickles his finger. The child feels it. And Blitz is touched, watching the child's reaction.)

Stritzo son of Striker and Blitz.
Stritzo belongs to me.

3 26

Looks like Stritzo found his father's gun. If I were him, I wouldn't touch it. Oh.
If Stritzo asks his father why he does it, I can't even imagine how Striker will explain it to him. :/

Stritzo son of Striker and Blitz.
Stritzo belongs to me.

0 22

Another selfie from our boy. But with a his friend.

Stritzo: Me and My friend Mollie. :>

(This will be in the 2 chapter H.B. Ranch Adventure)

Mollie daughter of Moxxie and Millie.
Stritzo son of Striker and Blitz.

Characters belongs to me.

2 12

We’re so pleased to announce the wonderful When The Sky Falls by is our Children’s Book of The Month for June! It’s a moving and heartfelt story about the bond between a boy and a Gorilla set against the backdrop of the Blitz. Pop into store to check it out!! 🧡

7 25

H.B. Ranch Adventure Page 6.

They are happy))

Striker and Blitz.

0 26

The first photo of our boy Stritzo. He took a photo with his father's horse Striker.
Yes, he also loves horses, like his second father Blitz.

While my dads are out at the bar, I'm tending to the Bombproof horse.)

Stritzo son of Striker and Blitz.
Stritzo belongs to me.

1 14