Feeling pretty boonish about these beauties😍 Thanks for some amazing art and community work. Thanks for another smooth, seamless mint. You're like the Virginia Slims of Web 3 🙌

8 37

So happy with my they look so incredibly good, every single Boon i’ve seen so far is absolutely mind blowing, congrats to everybody who minted, we are now part of history LFG

11 34

The mint was successful LFG!!!
Definitely satisfied with all 4 of my !

7 33

Can’t wait to mint me some booooooooons from tomorrow😀Feeling extremely boonish🔥😎Def a future powerhouse in the NFT space and not only on imo👀


5 32

our cousins are scary! so im toying w/ the idea of werewolves being sorta simian.. baboonish faces, gangly limbs, knuckle walking... but its not something i think i actually have the skill to pull off (not a good balance between monkey and wolf) so it might just stay a concept 😔

0 8