Was gonna draw a lizard, but this was a much higher priority. Happy 27th Breonna.

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We all have a responsibility to be part of the solution. It’s hard work, but if we all step up, change will come.

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Happy Birthday Queen! 👑 ✊🏾

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You're damn right Black lives matter. Justice for & so many others whose lives were taken.
All proceeds from sales of this print (by ) support the revolution—from now to forever. https://t.co/tg7B34FFTG

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She could have been me... Happy Birthday May you rest in power. May your killers be brought to justice. May we see the day when we can not only be safe in our homes, but safe everywhere.

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should be alive today celebrating her 27th birthday. And because she is not alive our resistance is alive. Birthdays are always the hardest when we want our loved ones here with us. [Painting by ] 1/3

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Breonna would have been 27 today. Say her name. And remember her (and others’) ultimate sacrifice.

33 51

She did not deserve to die.
But today, we are celebrating her birth. She would have been 27 today.

Let’s do our part to make sure justice is served.

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today, Breonna Taylor should be celebrating her 27th birthday. join me in donating to her family’s fund


& here are two favorite art pieces celebrating Breonna—by Alice X. Zhang () and Paula Champagne, respectively

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Today is Breonna Taylor’s birthday.
I created this illustration to remember her, and took some time to learn about the wonderful person she was.
Click the link below to fight for justice for her.


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breonna taylor would’ve been 27 today. she mattered. say her name and give her the justice she deserves.

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Happy Birthday beautiful 💗#BreonnaTaylor

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Breonna Taylor would have been 27 years old today.

Instead, she was murdered by the Louisville PD in cold blood.

119 210

Today is birthday. She should be alive to celebrate, but she's not.
I painted her to celebrate her life, but we have to keep pushing for justice for her.
Follow this link to find out how you can help: https://t.co/2mciBGnSw5

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should be celebrating her 27th birthday today 💔 Rest In Power, beautiful. (🎨 arielsinhaha)

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