Bwaaaaaaah you are the best <3 I know you have a huge line but if you manage to get to me I have two prehistoric pals who could use your touch - whichever you find the most intriguing!


0 1

i keep falling into the realism hole when i paint i hate it i wanna do more stylized stuf bwaaaa

12 304

acquired z125 love z125 meheheheh bwaaaaAAAAA

16 104

This was such a fun drawing to do. Wanted to draw lycanroc and rockruff dressed up as beat and rhyme from twewy, namely inspired from when I was playing neo and also from an interaction with my sis

93 457


0 3

“can you say jiujiu, a-ling?”

414 1590

Hewwwooo minnaaaaaaaa~~
Apa kabwaaaaaaaarrrr????

Kuro muncul buat ngasih tau kalau kuro masih tetap akan hiatus stream yang kemungkiiiiiinan sampai akhir bulan depan ( ≧Д≦)

Dan inilah kuro saat ini~ ಥ‿ಥ

4 27

Good morning~


I just learned that Nata de Coco
Is made of fermented Coconut water.
Mind Bwaaaahhh

0 2

da tinket. bwaaaa. for of whom trinket belongs to

16 17


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