SPEED-RAN CHAMY DTIYS?? more likely then you think
!! <33 this was so much funheHEHEE

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Heyoo! I wanted to do a DTIYS so here it is! :D
If you decide to do this please use and tag me! :] Anyone who does this will be rewarded with a small kitty drawing based on their twt layout

Retweets are also cool hehe :>

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Catching up to tags!

I'm Zacky, though I can also go by Chamy in some places! I'm doing what I can to balance academia-work with art and flowing along life like a jellyfish :')) I'm currently rusty, but rn drawing creatures thanks to strudel-cafe!
Tagging & ! https://t.co/M3N9zL0K3d

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Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin🎹🎶
Kochamy Chopina!!!!!!!


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Happy part 2!
Me and the incredible Chamyl collabed for it!
She wrote this adorable fic and I drew something for it! :)


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📣Contributor Spotlight!📣
Here's a snippet of the lovely fic chamyl (AO3) wrote for our zine!

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hii lovelies~ 🐥
diz chickies are goin on a trip down memory lane✨☺️

tini wini & chamyto are just few of my fav childhood snacks!

i cud still remember when mom wud always pack these as my school snack in gradeschool 🙊✨gud ol' times 💕

what's ur fav childhood snack?

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Drawing my beloved daughter-Chamy🌻✨

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Gênio do Chamyto entrou no ringue do carai.
Tome bazuca de lactobacillus

7 50

jestesmy ludzmi
nie chcemy wojny, chcemy tylko miec prawo kochac i byc z tymi, ktorych kochamy

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