[suchen diary] baba suchen also got new clothes from sanrio! ☆

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1day 1suchen junmyeon's haircut is 🥵 so here's greaser!jongdae imagining his nerdy crush in greaser style ☆

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[suchen diary] ashmyeonkki watering his favourite cactus ☆

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1day 1suchen jongdae's a little cagey about his tattoos ☆

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1day 1suchen when jongdae just stares lovingly at junmyeon being a meme ☆

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1day 1suchen jongdae's studying alright, just not what's in the textbook ☆

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1day 1suchen junmyeon finding excuses to sing with jongdae ☆

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[suchen diary] whenever someone else uses suho sheep's sleeping bag ☆

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1day 1suchen seeing junmyeon in his element has jongdae falling a little harder ☆

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1day 1suchen what has jongdae gotten himself into now ☆

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1day 1suchen i'm not giving the context for this ❤️ ☆

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[suchen diary] design concept for matching suchen tiger dolls! (no this is not real i don't have the money nor the knowledge to make these;;) ☆

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