How is everyone coping with WFH? Are you taking regular ping pong break like us?

Artwork by Andrea Chronopoulos for our campaign

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EMERGENCY APPEAL LAUNCHED: We are at the centre of an emergency operation to get food to the most vulnerable in our city & region but to do so we need your help. Please donate:

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look after NHS workers, they are risking themselves for us. Everyday Heroism

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Self isolation got me like... Lol. I'm going to try to stream on tomorrow, but I can't promise I'll look good 🤒🎮

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I’m feeling better now & over my cold but my family is in it’s 7th day of self isolation for the good of basically everyone 🌎♥️
Just wanted to say I hope you’re all doing ok, & I’m sending you all socially distanced hugs!
B x

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I'm a live scribe artist and freelancer and just had 90% of all gigs cancelled over the next 2 months! Available for all your illustration / design / visual explainer summary needs! I love to draw and will draw all manner things for you! Please RT!

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Here's 5 ways you can fight & become a super preventer 💪🏽

Please share this video and keep up to date with the official advice

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Dr. Rosena Allin-Khan - I'm really concerned that staff don't have the protective equipment they desperately need... "it is not ok for our frontline NHS staff to be going to war with this virus without being able to protect themselves & their patients."

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Every time I see trending I actually read it as CORVID-19 and I just think of CROWS

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So I am thinking self isolation can't be worse than touring in 1990s Eastern Europe in a cronky bus full of unwashed, mardy, hungover musicians and only borscht for dinner. I got through that & I can get through this. So can you.

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We aĺl need to stop for a moment, gather our thoughts & think about how we can help each other, particularly the elderly & vulnerable so, "If you get the balance right, anything is possible"

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'Stop politicising they scream.

'Put party politics aside', they cry.

'Then do the right thing, WE DEMAND.

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BREAKING: Boris Johnson & Rishi Sunak prepare their next CoronaVirus briefing.

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