gotta draw Honey every once in awhile 💕 //

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Warmup - Mecha Cutie Honey. I found out about Mazinger Angels today so I had to. That's it for July! Don't forget to vote for next months theme!

Hey vote for next months theme!

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The Shogaku Youchien Cutey Honey F manga only depicts the defeat of Zora, but *not* Jill. Sister Jill is last seen in the penultimate chapter fleeing. This is ironic, since its typically the other way around in most versions!

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Next episode previews sometimes feature alternative footage, or unused shots. The preview for episode 3 in particular includes a whole sequence of Honey fighting goons that isn't in the actual episode.

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Honey's transformation in the second episode of "New Cutey Honey" emulates her first one from the original series.

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I need improvement, but it was nice practice! Can't wait to paint some more this week.

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милашку мёд к телефону

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Cutie Honey tribute 🤗
Recién leída la obra de Go Nagai no podía faltar un pequeño homenaje, espero que os guste el resultado.

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The preview for episode 16 has the King of Manaco pushing Junpei and Danbei aside. In the actual episode, Junpei is replaced with Seiji. If you listen closely, you can hear Junpei's voice during this scene

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Originally, Seiji was going to have a little sister named Zuko. Her design became the basis for the guest character, Queen Dirty Marie in episode 6.

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In both the original TV series, and Universe, Honey "meets" Zora in the last episode.

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In the first three animated adaptations, Honey defeats her arch nemesis by creating diamonds. In New and Flash, it was used to seal them away.

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If you look closely at the crowd in the beginning of episode 2, you can see Akira Fudo (Devilman)

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