okay this is my progress for today

if this is gonna work out Imma have a little Lyra figurine on my desk, gonna use the school 3d printer

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Okay did some more on the head and also redid the eyebrows, time to draw some more!

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made a throne model and used as a base me to draw the character and the throne on but I like the mix too

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here's a new Gruntrooper, yeah there's a obvious clone trooper inspiration

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Lyra, Ahna and the Phantom done, now a background

after this, maybe I'll do some character posters for chronicles and some new costume stuff

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kinda on time but also not, but I still wanna finish it cause it's fun
Ahna, Lyra and the Phantom in the universe

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The poses get continued (kinda lol) almost ready for the final lines, added another pose where I wanna mess with lighting haha
also added the new mask to the arena look

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it's a late in the development phase WIP that I'd normally wouldn't post, but I felt liking posting it anyways
so here is a sad Lyra and Ahna being a good friend

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you'll hear more about her/them in the future, perhaps even a cameo in issue 2 of introductions

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Lyra's obviously looking at Ahna singing

she's so proud of her girl

(also notice the scratch marks on her lower arm, gave her eczema cause I have it, it sucks)

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Shake, shake, shake, Senora, shake your body line
Work, work, work, Senora, work it all di time

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this Ahna pose does look like it'll fit with the Lyra one from yesterday

completely unintentional

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