What a treat for kids and adults alike to settle into the saddle of a handsome wooden horse, grip the reins, and let imaginations wander as the horse glides up and down, circling round and round, while jingling music fills the air.


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I'm hoping yours don't last long either! The reason mine lasted long was because everyone living in my house had it too so ToT the germs kept circling even after disinfecting.

Good luck and no problem

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I wish I could find a gif of this moment rn but the stills of him landing with the dramatic zoom in and circling around him leading up to this page had me bust out laughing for a good 5 minutes when I first read it

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The council never returned from their debate. The guards are gone and the gardeners refuse to tend the coral. They say there’s blood in the water, and sharks circling the basin towers. What could have happened here?

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Mighty Morphin spoilers //// these images have been circling in my mind for the past 24 hours. No thoughts only Them

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*they follow the paw prints to an abandoned rundown shack where Unikitty finds Evil Lachlan circling the crusaders menacingly and hungrily*

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Gn fam❤️

I collected all your dreams in my art🦋

We animated the dreams inside the heads
evrey one is unique
check them out on opensea

maybe it’s your dream

Circling the world in a hot air balloon

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*she peered around the corner to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon circling around Lachlan*

Silver Spoon: You called Discord “dad”?! *laugh* That’s so cute(!)

Lachlan: I-It was just a slip of the tongue...!

Diamond Tiara: Well, no wonder dogs aren’t supposed to talk!

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I'm circling back to my "doing everything on on layer" style again. Pink and Bloo cos I thought both were neat wahaa

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