Part 2 easily got the worse coloring in the colored manga and anime, the colors just felt so dull compared to the other parts, so heres my little updates

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I've gotten abit more into using the color schemes I personally think of the characters in instead of color swaps, might do some more color swaps soon, I do have one planned of DIO after these next two

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in order to celebrate the new year
I wanted to color my favorite National Terrorist, Johnny Joestar

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two out of the blue colorations
I feel like im the only one that thinks Anasui is a great character, I view him as being somewhat similar to Mista in terms of the dynamic

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we got some Gappy action
he looks good in just about any color scheme
also WalkingHeart is a great stand and they only appear for like 2 chapters and it angers me

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Hello guys! I did a Dr.Stone Chrome coloring for a tournament, as this is what I came to post here. I hope you like it a lot, I tried hard! ❤️ 😊

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°>Rui Dokoro-Casual🎨💞 With this drawing I want to confirm that she is a hybrid. Raccoon / human this will have explanation in my sleeve.

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اول تلوينه من كيميتسو 🙂♥️
آرائكم 🙂

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