If you’re in London check out outdoor exhibition! At Paternoster Sq until 11 Nov and around London until 7 Dec… Featuring artists & !

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Pasaules valstu līderi pulcējušies Glāzgovā ANO klimata konferencē (#COP26 ), lai atkal runātu par cīņu ar klimata pārmaiņām. Samita prioritāšu sarakstā ir saglabāt 2015. gadā ANO klimata konferencē Parīzē izvirzīto mērķi ierobežot globālo sasilšanu līdz 1,5 ℃.

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Life belowground is at risk as much as life aboveground🍄🪱🤎

Time to act, time to protect!

Global map of potential threats (including climate change) to soil biodiversity⬇️

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'Gyroscope Illusion' by artist Tamsin Ghislaine Cunningham. Fine liner pen and watercolour on paper, 40 x 60 cm. Currently on display as part of the environmentally themed group exhibition 'All Things Connect', planned to coincide with View more: https://t.co/ylCExdSRBw

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Here's a couple, one from DC comics, one from the Dalai Lama (artist is ) and with COP26 here's 's conservation piece.

They can be pieces of art, games, music and add so much more.

If Rangers are smart, they'll develop a Rangers Metaverse.

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Peter Schrank on   - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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Another attempt at a drawn in a looser, quicker style. I'm going to attempt to draw five a week in this way over the next month or two.

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Christian Adams on - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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As the talking shop at Cop26 gets under way, we are so far beyond the sticking plaster stage in this crisis, and nothing but major surgery will do. for

“Stating the Bleeding Obvious”

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