画質 高画質

Playing w the new chromatic/noise filters in CSP

123 903

Ilenia, Queen of Cornia
CSP 3.0 just dropped so I had to try it out :D

235 1337

I want the new csp version 👉👈
Anyone interested in a quick doodle like this for 50€?
(Will be done this weekend)

91 1097

Pertama kali nyoba buat art! pake csp. Kelar kaga, lama di cari tools, 15menit cr simbol buat flip. Kuatkan sender 💚

0 3

Art! Guys ada yang tau gk kira-kira beliau ini pake brush apa buat nge line art kalau di csp

12 333

Art! Para suhu screentones boleh bagi tips CSP? YouTube, tips n trick, apapun boleh. Ternyata susah ya.., help appreciated! T T

1 33

just spent the 4 last hours to draw a simple drawing of makoto on my new tablet as a first drawing..I gotta reeducate myself to CSP only now-

2 37

Artist! di csp cara buat brush kyk gini gimana ya? atau ada brushnya sendiri? boleh minta kode brushnya ga klo ada? tia!

0 4

currently swapping actively between Krita and CSP to test layering and lemme tell you my laptop is not happy with how many things I have open

0 31

my csp lagged hard when I click the wrong layers, that's why I had to merge a lot of stuff together.

It sucks

0 2

art! csp difficult… crying easy…

5 168

I was planning to make a little animation. Then I realized that I screwed up a lot of stuff. And I STILL did not get how to copy-paste a frame in CSP...or how to make an animation with more than 30 frames.

1 14

i love csp assets, i say as i color on photoshop 👁👄👁

1 28

สกรีนโทนในPSD 3ปีที่แล้ว
สกรีนโทนในCSP ปีนี้

12 32

artist! try csp to ink cleanly → use a "analog-Iike inking brush with a dirty feeling" → learn nothing

1 37

artist! mau tanya dong, cara biar gambar berwarna jadi grayscale di csp gimana ya? aku mau ngecek apakah warnanya nyatu sama bgnya atau enggak, klo udah di ubah jadi grayscale bisa balik ke warna asli lagi ga? sender baru make csp jadi masih bingung tia!!

9 139

Helloo artist! Sender mau share brush csp kesukaan sender buat lining 😁 sender gatau apa link bisa dikirim lewat fess jd nanti sender kasi linknya di reply 🫶

0 10

[Oc] did this back then when I testing brushes in csp :>

28 176



5 58

Setor wip art! First time buat karakter byk di ibis biasanya buat di csp. Doakan smg hp ini tidak duar. Sekalian 🐄tualan yukk

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