Sorting through some of the work done in France. Enjoyed this one done in Vence. Keeping it simple.

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As promised the clear pic of the demo Wednesday with Art in the Mountains. Smith Rock- OR. More to follow. Packing man.... cheers.

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Killing some time on this rainy day before my Urban Sketching demo Vancouver downtown location. Sitting in and decided to sketch my vitamin ☕️.

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New episode posting tomorrow. over a under drawing and a look at an emerging favorite mixed brand color palette.

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Yesterday I was experimenting with white oil pastel and a limited palette of for a tutorial I am working on for the rcolourists Friends newsletter later this month. Hopefully it will be clear that the theme is Snow…

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Sitting in my favorite spot, I draw my favorite person, using my favorite tools while listening to a favorite show on the iPad. .

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Throwback to this piece that is starting to get old now! I see some more monochrome pink in my future 🔮

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