Christmas greetings from Sunwoo and Yoojung 💙 I love them both so much🥰. GIF made by @ DEA_0122.

5 22

Jesse Pinkman: Yo mister White, someone's at the door!
Walter White: Who is it.
Alice: Hello Heisenbe-

8 31

A young student at Nobel Bell College. Loved by all and especially doted on by president Rollo- maybe something to do with his past?
HAII MY NEW NBC OC this is dea she loves the world but she's deaf so they can't fully experience what life has to offer...

6 32

Terra Dea means earth goddess. I am spiritual but not religious and feel the energies of the earth, moon and stars much more then any deity. After the year I have had I am Oceanna.

I need rest. From treading water.

0.275 $ETH

85 117

dea gracias por el @ (mentira t aborresco)

te quiero pelusa 💕💕 besis

sigan cadenita
(perdón por taguearlos, fui obligada 😭😭😭😭😭 los amo muackis muackis)

0 3

DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 1.08 ETH by Squanto999 from 0x9d2dea

1 9

Dea Rea, domina Zancle.
Acquerello realizzato durante la sessione live della serata di presentazione della “Madonna con il bambino e San Giovannino” organizzata dalla ditta Zancle 757.

0 6

why hello there! pleasure to meet ya! da name is Waffles!
I’m simply just the greatest artist who has ever existed in ever and ever of all time- simply put im so cool i don’t even need to breathe oxygen anymore! How that correlates? I HAVE NO I DEA! :D

Behold my works!

2 13


12 53


2 8

New collection
Terra Dea | Oceanna Rests
0.275 $ETH

3 4

Terra Dea | Oceanna | Rests

5 13

Ehe~ sama mascot Dearest~ name is Dea ❤ KYAAAAAA /////////
Art by

2 16

Imaginen que un día dices, -me voy a vestir de mujer por tradición de mi país y tal vez haga stream, no lo haces te quedas con ganas, y una randonw te dibuje con vestido?
Pues sucedió el año pasado 😭🤙🏻 jsjskd o

Se viene remake de este dibujo regalo que le hice al joce dea

1 3


I have to get fancy again today and get out of my pajamas.

Pray for me. And maybe buy my art? ♥️😂💅

⬅️ Terra Dea | Oceanna | Rests

➡️ The Vessel : Protected

73 120

Muchísimas gracias Mark! Solo fue un garabatillo rápido la verdad hahahaha estos no los suelo subir a menudo 🤣
Pues son Kanade Hayami y Minami Nitta de Idolmaster! Su unit se llama Dea Aurora, aquí te las dejo y su vídeoclip que te recomiendo 💯

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New one by

T E R R A D E A | Earth Goddess

Oceanna | Rests

Terra Dea of the sea rests after many years of treading water, keeping herself afloat.

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