Late night doodling. The backpack gets a little break today 😪🎒

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Quick color doodle of Ms. Hunter before bed ✍️

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A wallpaper for you. Don’t forget to share with your friends.
✍ An arbitrary god of death vs. An immortal girl.
App: WebComics
Title: The Deathless

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“I don’t think you get what the ‘Hawk is for. What’s “nothing” without that helmet is everything in my sight, whenever I want it to stop existing.” Sketch experiment tonight. F in the chat for the poor soul that challenged Kára out of her helmet 🦅

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“I’m way too pretty to keep my head inside this tin can all day. Hey Birdface, you ugly or something??” Kára teases her eternally helmeted companion 🦅🦅

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I’ve attained the superpower to pass out while doing just about anything. At least I’m somewhat well rested. Here’s another catch up for last night’s doodle 😪

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There’s some nights where nothing you put on the page works out. So you rest up, and try it again with fresh eyes on the… morning? Oh wait that’s now 🤐

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Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life

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“Reiko, the warmth of the sun in your heart will do more than the wrath of the sun in our hands ever will. Don’t lose yourself in the chaos. Keep being you.” No-Name signs some sage advice as his spikey haired trainee tries to keep up 🦅🐣

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“Hey No-Name Sensei, do you think I can shoot fire out of my fingers like Kára???” Reiko gets a little ahead of herself 🐣

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Aphrodite, subtle of soul and deathless,
Daughter of God, weaver of wiles, I pray thee
Neither with care, dread Mistress, nor with anguish,
            Slay thou my spirit!

20 143

Joined my buddy in the land of the consoles for a little Iron Banner… playing with a controller again felt a bit like this

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Decided to come up with a handful of Nighthawk variants soooooo… Börd friends continues with Ms. Owl 🦉🦅

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Passed out super early last night and had a dream that I was a penguin. So here we are 🦅🐧

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🎶I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies
I'll tell you my sins and you can sharpen your knife
Offer me that deathless death
Good God, let me give you my life🎶

🩸The Blood Witch🩸

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Aidoneus,the Ruler of Many,among the deathless gods, own brother born of the same stock: for honor,he has that third share which he received when division was made at the first,and is appointed lord those among whom he dwells.
Homeric Hymn to Demeter paracit.

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Ended a long day with doodle practice, featuring No-Name in full gear 🦅

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I passed out last night after a long day, so last nights drawing is a late “Good Morning” to you all. Here’s to another one ☕️

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