back on the earthrise digibash grind, here’s a version of roller to go with the new optimus

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When a New Movieverse style figure comes out
G1 Digibasher:

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here's another earthrise digibash, it's ya girl road rage!

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Digibash: War for Cybertron Siege Unicron (Energon Colors)

Did you know this color scheme resembles an old inflatable store display from Japan? The more you know! 🌈💫

22 83

A Saurian Eye in the Sky Soaring High in the Sky 🦖🚁

I can't imagine someone hasn't done this already, but I can't find any proof that it exists yet

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Not the Lio Convoy redeco we'll get, but the one we deserve.

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Dark Forces UE4 art by Jason Lewis of Obsidian Entertainment - HUD by me and the hands/gun from a Battlefront screenshot I digibashed in.

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one more siege digibash for today, it's cryotek with battle master chro!

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More Titans Return Fun featuring Gaogaigar

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