hgnnhnh... dnd....
i should tag for more clicks but im too la z y

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A sudden new party member in dnd....

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some stuff from dnd... somehow rolled a crit for an item generator and got a fuckn legendary longsword that was p e r f e c t for sieg...

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Honorable mention for 'Summon the Terror' monster contest from a while back!

Squeezed this out real quick as stress relief in between finals, gosh I still cannot wrap my head around my sweet daughter actually being recognized by dnd....!

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my dnd....baby.....

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I plan on making a custom character sheet for dnd... though think its gonna take a few days to make. Hope it turns out ok...plan on using zy as my test subject my weretiger druid.

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sketchin up a lil bit of my witch homebrew boy from dnd...he's an entire plant zombie to fight my phobia and he's trying his best :')

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....and then i made him into a water genasi drunken master monk for dnd...

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It's Halloween! So today we're featuring one of the most creepy monsters in the Gibbering Mouther! Eyes and mouths and pseudopods, oh my!

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i made a bird for dnd.... his name is hawthorn and hes a stinky cleric

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quick monster doodle for dnd... conflicted on what colors i like better

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I've been playing dnd......
And icons. Dude.

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i havent done a solid good pic of hella di nines yet, which is a shame bcos shes quickly becoming one of my favorite characters to play in DnD... now i just need to figure out how to bard well, lmao

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Snarly snowy wolfie doodle inspired by DnD... Heyyy I doodled on my tablet for the first time in a while!

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If cats were playing The Barbarian

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