oh LORD this took forever but i’m so happy with it!! hoping somehow there’s a chance he’ll see it! <repost with appropriate tag>

5 11

for the background of his fanart twitter :)

11 38

i doubt i could win I really just want to have fun in ms paint. this is for 's icon.

2 7

weewoo merch pfp :D

rts/qrts are appreciated!!
good luck to everyone who’s joining!

21 201

My entry for the I made a profile picture and banner for both of Dream's new accounts

0 3

My second submission for I believe in patches supremacy

6 27

production go brrr
icon and banner submissions for the dream merch account

28 85

Finally finish my Banner. This is for Dream_Merch. It took awhile and good luck for you all so many great artists.

4 13

My first submission for I'm too scared to see what other people submit but good luck to everyone!

7 42

Joining just for fun :p this is a pfp/icon for

Not gonna be my one only submission, maybe

5 22

This is my submission for (banner for merch acc) I really rushed this so.... it’s not really good but i don’t know when dream is ending the submissions.

16 45

for the ❤️ I kinda was lazy on this but I like the pfp :>

2 8

weewoo here’s a couple versions of the same thing

rts/qrts are VERY appreciated

18 76

Part 1 for , this one is specifically for the icon, I haven't finished the banner and I'll probably finsih if sooner or later, tho I'm pretty confident that there are more talented artists out there but oh well

11 51