Ele gosta de cuidar de pequenos rebanhos de Dubwool. Quando sente que sua família está ameaçada esse Pokémon é possuído por espíritos rancorosos e Altcapri se torna uma fera incontrolável que só pensa em defender seu rebanho.

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Rough wooloo and dubwool sketches get me through the day

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(Digital) warm-up doodle with young Hop (Wooloo!Hop) and older Hop (Dubwool!Hop) : - D used a random Pen,, looks kinda strange but it was a lot of fun!

Patreon; Nadi-Chan

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It's a simple fusion that I've created of Hop (character) and the pokemon; dubwool

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Rapidash (Galarian)/Gengar

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Last zodiac pieces done for batch Here is Scorpio = Drapion, Sagittarius = Zebstrika, and Aries = Dubwool. If anyone wants to preorder sticker that aren't currently made by all means let me know and we can do that.

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So the poll said that Pokemon was the winner, but I just so happened to have 2 extra poke drawings! The poll drawing is the Dubwool, but the other 2 is my Pokesona, Tsar the Kangaskhan and his adoptive Nidomom, Quinn!

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It's another Dubwool!Hop.......... I'm so sowwy I just enjoy drawing him way to much haha;; but now I'll focus on other illustrations and university again 🍥 (I think.......lul)

Patreon: Nadi-Chan

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Aaaaand I quickly drew (Galar) Rapidash!Bede c: He's Dubwool!Hop's rival, I really wanna draw them fighting asap haha ;O; today my anatomy n stuff isn't really correct but I hope you don't mind!!

Patreon; Nadi-Chan

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Random doodle before going to bed .... it's a (demon?) Dubwool!Hop! ... I just had some random ideas for an Hop (Pkmn) AU. Lul. Might doodle a bit more of that AU idea, would you be interested?

Patreon; Nadi-Chan

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Dubwool’s Japanese name is literally “bye Wooloo” ✋😭💯

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Her dewlap looks like a shiny Dubwool

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heres some that are NOT my sona... you have...
- a lovely, peppy wooloo girl
- single dubwool mother of two
- angry gremlin man who knows what good food is
- adventurous lesbian teen with helicopter parents

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Video - New Pokénchi trailer previews April 12 episode with Snorlax, Mimikyu, Silvally, Dubwool and

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Been commed to do a Dubwool design that played more into the wolf in sheeps clothing aspect. Fluff when sits, grrrr when stands

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Fanart for of a crossover between his two worlds of PMD and Shield! Daniel the Cyndaquil and Lily the Mudkip are rescuing Cupcake the Shiny Wooloo from the grasp of Muffin the Dubwool. It was really fun to draw, and I hope you like it!! 🤗

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Wooloo, Dubwool &Whimsicott. The cozy boys are all here!

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