« Dire à quelqu'un que c'est terminé, c'est laid et faux. Ce n'est jamais terminé. Même quand on ne pense plus à quelqu'un, comment douter de sa présence en soi ? Un être qui a compté compte toujours »-

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Les lives chez :

Modo : T'es vieille !
Lazu : C'est faux !
Modo : D'accord.
Lazu : Aaah... :D
Modo :

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Congrats on 800!

I’m Anthony, I’m an illustrator as well as animator, I usually draw caricatures, faux movie posters/illustrations, oc art (and character models for them lol), etc.

Lot of my work is inspired by the retro cartoons from the 50s - 70s, and Al Hirschfeld’s stuff!

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Hello 👋 I mostly draw stuff like caricatures, faux movie posters, oc art and character model sheets (mostly for ocs lol)

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Grazie for the artist support! I am Anthony, aspiring artist and animator,

I usually draw caricatures, faux movie posters, oc art and character model sheets

Lot of my inspo is Al Hirschfeld’s work, retro cartoons, and Soviet & Eastern European animation and film from the 70s

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騎士団にflat color,muted color,faux traditional mediaを入れたんだけど紙っぽいテクスチャがあんまり出ないな。acrylic gouache paintingが強いのか、それともモチーフでpromptのかかり方が変わるのか…

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flat color,pale color,no line,faux traditional media,
inpaint+加筆 それぞれ楽しい

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flat color,pale color,White Thema,no line,faux traditional media,
White Themaを追加した。白が強くなり部分的に特徴的なパステルカラーが入る

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flat color,pale color,no line,faux traditional media,

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flat color,pale color,no line,faux traditional media,
pale color面白い、Shabbyなイメージになる

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flat color,pale color,no line,faux traditional media,
muted残ってるよな…?それともfaux traditional mediaの特徴?

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flat color,pale color,no line,faux traditional media,
途中でmuted colorをpale colorに変更したんですが、ちょっとmuted残ってる気がする。日を変えた方がいいかも。

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flat color,muted color,no line,faux traditional media,

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Because I made a HUGE faux pas, put on the t-shirt I never wanted to be caught 💀 in.

Merry belated birthday,

🎨 by the amazing Pevitart (fiverr)

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Recent cell shading pics. I stopped doing that style since I prefer the look of the faux-paint shading, but this can still look cool
Coms for and
3rd image is an OC of mine

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I should get a game boy camera -> I found a game boy camera filter, so now I don't need a game boy camera -> I take so many faux game boy camera photos that maybe it'd be worth it to get a real game boy camera

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不透明水彩系と言うか厚塗りの画像を生成したい場合どんなprompt使えばいいんだろう?私はacrylic gouache paintingを今まで使っていて、試しにfaux traditional mediaを使ってみたんですが、絵柄闇鍋ビックバンして混乱している…!#AIイラスト

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faux traditional media 試運転

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