I liked the character so much that I drew it

60 414

It's more than a lot, if we're being honest

18 137

TRYST IS FINISHED! Check out this smug son of a bitch 😂

15 80

My favorite boi Vulgor is done!! 4 down, 4 to go!

14 109

The best time of the year

22 186

I kinda feel bad for the character cause I draw bad.👀💦

25 239

They're about as hot as the surface of the sun

13 115

I had to do a fbtw version of this meme too.

18 144

My reaction the first time I saw that sprite

46 368

The lengths Vulgor is willing to go to keep Ranok out of trouble

29 181

I definitely have a type

29 218

Ranok can have that effect on people

12 114

I feel the same way Spinel.

3 42