some more warriors designs! is there a specific character you want to see me design next? reply below and I’ll do it if I haven’t already!

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the biggest family in Warriors I know, FerncloudxDustpelt and their babies, of which only Birchfall is left alive ;n;
Shrewpaw should've not died asnd been Squirrelflight's mate instead of Brambleclaw tbh

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Ashfur, Ferncloud, Tulipkit and Elderkit

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the canon WhitexBrindle family!!!
with my new lineup style I think I'm gonna start drawing kits who died instead of only drawing a cat if they make it to apprenticeship

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My design for Ferncloud for !! I love him tbh,, a good dad

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One of Ferncloud's other kits, Larchkit... Ferncloud's New Prophecy situation in general makes me really sad...

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Ahh I doodled some more Warriors! Ferncloud was suggested by and Millie by . I threw Daisy into the mix as well.

Who should I draw/design next?

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Hollykit... she was one of Birchfall's sisters... i just want to give Ferncloud a hug rn

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Goldenflower 🌻 Dustpelt 💚 Ferncloud

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Ferncloud 2016 -> 2017 -> 2018

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' y en aura plus mais v'la pour l'insta,t du et d'l'auto portrait

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Day 57!

Ferncloud's eye markings are a bit... interesting? I was trying to match Ashfur's a bit.

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Fern/Dust family For
I was gonna so Runningwind and Mousefur but I wanted to get these guys done
and now I can also get to Dove and Ivy since I've got both their parents

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