"I've barely made it by your side"

315 1234



何より、劇場で聴くバンタンの新曲「Film out」の美しさは随一です✨

74 1132

film outのMVを引きずったまま仕事します…

0 19

坂口健太郎さんの演技も劇場で聴くバンタンの新曲「Film out」も楽しみ🥳


Film out 詳細はこちら🌷

31 574

"From all the memories stored in my heart,
I gather up the ones of you, link them together.
Gazing at them projected across the room,
I feel you with every burst of pain."

0 0

tried something different and it might be my most favourite thing ever ✨

80 218

you in my imagination

78 400

i've barely made it by your side.

5 8

How can a song be both comforting, sad and sooo painfully beautiful?

5 26

— i've barely made it by your side ☁️☄️


158 413

MVやっと見れた…すごく好き。儚くて美しくて…切ない歌詞と優しい歌声が沁みる😭バンタンとback numberさん、とっても素敵な曲をありがとうございます✨

Film out is so beautiful and it makes me tear up...I can’t stop listening

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another beautiful sope transition🥺

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