Finally am doonnee! kept changing things around with the lineart and tried many new things but I love how cheerful and soft it turned out at the end < 3 Gift for my Guildmaster his RDM Au Ra

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"No matter how dark the night, morning always comes, and our journey begins anew." Lulu completed for KupoCon community group on FB celebrating Final Fantasy X all week! 🖤

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Good Girl! Decided to draw my Miqote character on FFXIV. She's normally a tanky babe.. But decided to make her a little more submissive.

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I am so excited for the The demo is the coolest thing in the world to me, and I cant wait to be able to play the remake. I've always loved Jessie's character in the game.

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Finaly finished!
I thought about how Nouel would looks like as female and draw her. Yesterday evening I finished her ♡

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