Twilight: *shivering* W-Why does my b-b-bottom have to be the most s-sensitive body part?!

Fluttershy: Just sit on this ice pack for five to ten minutes and we’ll have another look at it afterwards.

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Fluttershy: It’s starting to settle down, but it still needs cooling down, now you’ll feel a bigger chill, okay? *she places the ice pack on Twilight’s bottom*

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Fluttershy: *she grabs a cotton ball and dips it into the healing fluid* Now, I know you mentioned that your bottom is sensitive, so you may feel a chill. *she gently dabs the cotton ball coated with the cool healing fluid on Twilight’s bottom*

Twilight: *gasp* Oh, it’s cold!!

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Twilight: Ouch!

Fluttershy: Hm, the bruise feels quite swollen and hot. *she also brings out an ice pack out of the kit* I simply just have to cool the affected area down.

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Unikitty: *exhale* Okay... okay...

*back in the nurse’s room*

Fluttershy: *brings out a pack of cotton balls and a container of healing fluid* Now, does it hurt when I touch it? *she gently presses Twilight’s bruise until she says ow*

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My response: I am not mad at you. As you are implying that I need a bath, I have bought 2 tickets to a huge waterpark ! Please, put on your black wetsuit ( camp) and accompany me for a day,ok ? I promise it will be worth your while, Fluttershy ! Fluttershy: Thank you, on it. ^_^

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Applebloom: Unikitty, we know that you saved us!

Fluttershy: Yes! Unikitty tried to save both our worlds!

Celestia: And Unikitty, you’ve learned to open up and trust... to trust your friends!

Gabby: And you learned that you can rely on others.

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*the girls introduce themselves to Celestia in reverse order of becoming Lachlan’s friends minus Twilight since they already know each other*

Rarity: I’m Rarity.

Pinkie Pie: Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie!

Fluttershy: I’m Fluttershy, it’s very nice to meet you!

Applejack: I’m Applejack!

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Fluttershy: Rainbow Dash seems intent on being friends with him, so why shouldn’t we?

Applejack: Uh... he’s a dingo. Don’t y’all know what they do?!

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Unikitty: That’s right!

Fluttershy: Hi Unikitty! What’s the group hug for?

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Fluttershy: Just imagine Lachlan’s tail as a friendly snake, keeping you safe from harm and danger.

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Applejack: Aw, ain’t nothing to be afraid of, hon.

Fluttershy: Does being coiled in Lachlan’s tail help a little bit?

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Fluttershy: I can help you with your fear of snakes, if you let me go.

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Fluttershy: So you’re actually both a cat and a unicorn?

Unikitty: *full of cake* That’s right! Hihihi!

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Fluttershy: *cleaning the monster’s teeth*

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Fluttershy: *grabs Unikitty’s camera and records her*

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