Cw // spoiler archon quest fontaine jaga2 (reup lupa cw)

B5 Geo Claymore ini kenapa ya 😔 mereka kehilangan orang2 tersayang, tapi masih bisa senyum tuh kenapa .... Kalian kok kuat kali ......

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babu! karena archon quest fontaine udah kelar. SEKARANG KITA MENUNGGU ARCHON QUEST BELIAU ☺️ kalian punya ekspektasi ga soal bagian fontaine apa yg dieksplor sama Dainsleif?

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Babu! CW // crossover The Hunger Games

Gimana Fontaine tenggelam tanpa ikut ngebanjirin region lain kalau topologinya tinggi? Sender kepikiran fog scene di Catching Fire habis liat yang share glitch ini.

Teyvat has its own "laws"

Mungkin seperti biasa cuma behind the (cont..)

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Lumine loved by the men of Fontaine💕🎩🦦🐺

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Babu! Dear Hoyo, kalo kamu bikin archon quest Fontaine sekeren ini, besok kalo Natlan ga bagus kamu bakal kumaki² ya! [/nangis bersama Neuvi]

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babu! cw // spoiler archon quest 4.2
sedih bgt liat komen di t1kt0k yg pada nyesel pull furina karena ternyata dia bukan archon fontaine, dan archonnya udh gada🥹. padahal furina sama foca itu kek satu orang, cuma furina sisi manusia nya foca🥹🥹🥹 sedihhh🥹🥹

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🍓 Strawberry Furina ❤️🌊🌸
✨ Fontaine strawberry chibi hydro archon✨

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CW // Ships bxb bxg gxg
It's so hard to choose ships in Fontaine.
Navia & Neuvi sounds like ngeyel gf kalem bf, Neuvi & Wrio sounds like old married couple, Wrio & Clorinde also sounds like kang gelut wife n "join dong" husband, YET Navia and Clorinde sounds so GAY.

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⛲️Fontaine's have arrived with a splash!✨

Sh⭕️p will close Dec 4th!
So get in your holiday🛒 before then!

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babu! mau nanya dong, namain wawan gimana ya? aku kemaren dah nyelesaiin archon quest sumeru dah ketemu dia juga ga ada?? ini aku dah sampai di Fontaine quest nya PLSS AKU PENGEN NAMAIN DIAA 😭😭

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Babu! cw // seiyuu , dub jp.
Chevreuse ini chara Fontaine pertama yg seiyuunya blom diketahui kan yak? Coba kira2 siapa seiyuu yg cocok buat bawain character Chevreuse ini!!!😆

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"Even if you are alone, helpless, in pain, sad, even if you are burdened by all the difficulties of this world...
Fontaine's desire to protect everyone has never changed."

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