She looks pretty miserable as well she might considering her condition. Nevertheless she is offered at Sotheby's as by Lavinia Fontana. A tiny oil on copper with the remains of a landscape (?) on the reverse. 15,000 - 20,000 GBP

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Se ha hablado mucho del Lavinia Fontana que va a salir a subasta en el martes pero ojo, que hay otras cosas estupendas: un precioso Palmaroli, Van Aelst o Zóbel, además de Stella, Cornelis de Vos, Roberts, Lucas Vázquez, Sorolla, Genovés...

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Max Ingrand
Sospensione dite "Dahlia" à 16 lumières, c. 1954
Structure en laiton poli, réflecteurs en cristal bleuté courbé
Edition Fontana Arte

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Geeking out, sorry lol.
Lavinia Fontana! A portrait artist from around the same period. She actually was patroned by several popes!

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フォントで遊んでたら、CageのFontana Mixのスコアに近づいてくるの面白い現象だ

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Join May 7+8 for Type Drives Communities—talks & panels by Rubén Fontana, Ale Paul, Yani&Guille, Sol Matas, Lisa Huang, Panos Vassiliou, Paul Soulellis, Hussein Alazaat, Giang Nguyen, Laura Meseguer, Osmond Tshuma & Saki Mafundikwa.

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Alla fontana
Vittorio Matteo Corcos

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"La mia patria è un volto
un chiarore essenziale
una fontana di sorgente viva
È mano che attende
trepida il crepuscolo
per posarsi sulla mia spalla
È una voce
di singhiozzi e di risa
un sussurro per labbra che tremano."


🎨 Lucio Ranucci

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Noli Me Tangere: Corregio, Fede Galizia, Lavinia Fontana, Tiziano.

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Today in 1939 Dorothy "D.C." Fontana was born. A writer for TOS, TAS, TNG & DS9, she defined much of what it means to be Vulcan (and Trill), was the show-runner for The Animated Series, and a mentor to many in her role as a teacher. She made the institution it is today.

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is filled with badass women, but rarely gets the credit it deserves. An Orion woman in government, LT. Uhura taking control of the Enterprise-2x!, and IRL show-runner DC Fontana, TAS went where no 70s cartoon had gone before!

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Lucio Fontana 1899-1968 is most famous for his 'Spatial Concept' paintings where he slashed or punctured a plain canvas. I have a soft spot for his ceramics particularly these expressionistic figurines that relate to 18th century porcelain.

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🎼François Couperin (1668-1733)
🎵Le Parnasse (ou l'Apothéose de Corelli)
🎨Lavinia Fontana (Apollo and the Muses / Parnassus, 1598-1600)

🤗💝grazie sempre🙏comoda giornata🎶💞🎨a te cara Daniela🏡😉✨

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Ok ho finito di vedere il film (ho fatto delle pause) e sento le risate delle mie coinquiline in cucina mentre io sto in camera mia a piange like a fontana

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Artemisia Gentileschi, Sofonisba Anguissola, Lavinia Fontana, Elisabetta Sirani e Giovanna Garzoni sono alcune delle 34 artiste protagoniste della grande mostra "Le Signore dell’Arte". Dal 5 febbraio a Milano

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Je commence à avoir quelques variantes de ce geste enfantin tout mignon, chez Lavina Fontana, Cosme Tura ou Bartomeu Baró 🤏👈

Vous pouvez les découvrir à partir d'ici :

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