The very first idol of the day is Sakura Minamoto from Zombieland Saga! She is part of the group called “FranChouChou”!

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As far as we know, Yugiri is the only member of FranChouChou who has canonically killed a man 👍

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出来ましたー!ゾンサガ1期8話よりED「To my Dearest」を歌う星川リリィちゃんです!

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Need more Franchouchou😢

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Manifesting a collab between Franchouchou and Dorindo Cardenas

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普段奇行が目立つ彼女ですが生きてる感が出せて自分的にはかわいらしく描けました^ - ^

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⭐️ RIGHT-HANDED: Shangri-La Shower - μ's (Love Live!)
🌙 LEFT-HANDED: I did+I will - Jelly PoP Beans (IMAS: ML)
☀️ AMBIDEXTROUS: Mezame RETURNER - Franchouchou (Zombieland Saga)

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♐️ SAGITTARIUS: Joker - Ember Last (IMAS: CG)
♑️ CAPRICORN: Dreaming Bird - Lily Shirogane (Aikatsu Stars)
♒️ AQUARIUS: Saga Jihen - Franchouchou (Zombieland Saga)
♓️ PISCES: Petite Etoile - petit corolla (Onsen Musume)

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FRANCHOUCHOU!!! ⭐❤ (I designed some stickers of my favorite girls)

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Sakura Minamoto in Zombie Land Saga sprechen & singen (💗) zu dürfen bedeutet mir wirklich sehr viel. Ich liebe den Anime und kann ihn nur weiterempfehlen. Außerdem habe ich tolle Kolleginnen wie u. in Franchouchou dabei. ❤️ SEHR dankbar.

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風の強い日は嫌いか? FranChouChou cover by フランシュシュ (本渡楓, 田野アサミ, 種田梨沙, 河瀬茉希, 衣川里佳, 田中美海)


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Rawr! Franchouchou Tae Yamada!
Likes and Rt's 🔁 are appreciated!

might complete the group hehe 💕

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