Friendly reminder that our appearances are heavily influenced by our genetics.

That includes how our bodies react to exercise.

1 13

I did consider a lot regarding Kim's design, but I went with this one since you can be intelligent while being fat.

Tabitha may be unable to trim that belly due to genetics, but kickboxing has helped her to accept it.

Roxy is surprisingly thanks to being a video game character.

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A while back I made a design of Judge has antlers, due to his fathers genetics. So yeah, I wanted to draw her with the antlers she has.

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Map of genetics distance to one of the Icelandic Viking samples to modern populations.

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Praying for good genetics and success with that baha

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-that this physical trait is something that is inherently sexual as opposed to just a random result of genetics that some people have, which is why I’ve given my protagonist a similar body-type to my own.

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I'm the local cat breed and cat genetics nerd!
I'm the creator of the Cat Breed Masterlist, a list containing every single cat breed
I also draw cats and design characters as cats!
I'm currently writing a book in the pov of cats, first 3 ref's.

6 9

(1/2) Mimi is Sai Lin’s daughter! Timid during her childhood, Mimi grew to be somewhat sheltered and naive, but she’s grown more independent the older she’s gotten. Thanks to the somewhat random genetics of demons, Mimi has odd poison properties, unlike-

0 11

Bro who gave this man the evil eyes and the wavy hair fringe????

2 19

Speaking of Kokonoe, imagine if she got what she wanted out of genetics and was somewhat stacked like her mom (Konoe/Nine). I mean there’s already artwork but still in-game would be insane.

1st/2nd 🎨: @/nontan_14
3rd 🎨: @/Romancing_RoGa
4th 🎨 pixiv: nyamoya

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Family Genetics

Half Human Half Gravitian
3/4 Human (2/3 from Elemental Humans) 1/4 Gravitatian

4 14

"To question life is to question the dna we are made of...and with that i question genetics itself and the ways we can splice it and alter it like we do time every day" Dr. Z

So this is Z aka Zeba she's a character i have highly developed and she's a marine biologist/geneticists

2 6

YEAH, she looks kinda pretty, idk how orphan of kos got stuck with perma troll face. bad genetics

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Forgot to mention: I was at the dermatologist earlier today cuz I had a weird dark coloration on...well..."The Little Prrfler". =>.>=;;;;;;;;

Fortunately, doc said it's nothing of concern. It's not melanoma, it's just genetics and me getting older. =<.<=;

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Presenting Seth as my villain OC representative. Specialises in Genetics and Virology.
Likes to kidnap and experiment on those that wont be easily missed.
Megalomaniac who seeks world domination. Leads an orginisation called COBRA

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Another GMH clade: Magpie Bridge was the joint project of a Chinese genetics firm and civic engineers planning an idealistic layered city. It was also a show of progress, as MB humans are both very humanoid and efficient fliers, a balance many winged designs had struggled with.

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Genetics ‼️‼️‼️

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When you join the Ukiverse, you automatically become 10 times hotter.

I've been looking at the tag and wanted to join the family! Everyone is so attractive, it must be from Mama Uki's good genetics.

1 24

Recluse; Real Name N/A
A test to make the perfect killer by splicing Spider-Man’s and Deadpool’s Genetics.

5 18