It’s official. US 30-year yield just inverted vs. the Fed funds rate!

Same warning ahead of the GFC, tech bust, Asian crisis, S&L crisis, and 1980’s double dip recessions.

The only false signal, 1986.

We now have the entire US Treasury curve below the Fed overnight rate.

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73 159

Renegade economist on why economics is a lost & divided discipline.

18 29


9 5

9/26発売のGFC「青春×機関銃」7.5巻は、この松岡&雪村の素敵なカバーが目印ですよ~~中身ももれなくおいしいですよ~~( つ・v・)つ・・*:・:・そして、NAOE先生より&イラストを頂きました!(編集M)

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