My name is Gaige! I'm a mechanic, variety streamer, and trying to relearn how to draw after almost a decade long hiatus! I'm also walking the razor's edge between wholesome and lewd, so it's kind of a crapshoot which kind of content you'll get. My streams are in my bio!

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Nice to meet you Draco! I'm Gaige, a mechanic who also plays a variety of games and is trying to re-learn how to draw after almost a decade! I'm also trying to overcome my social anxiety, come out of my shell, and allow myself to be horny on main. Lewdtubers represent!

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My name's Gaige, and I'm a mechanic and variety streamer. I try to keep a good blend of wholesome and lewd, so be warned. As for a good moment from my streams, fellow streamer managed to perfectly time a duck sound alert to damn near give me a heart attack once.

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Hello! I'm Gaige! I'm a variety streamer who plays a lot of rpgs and is trying to learn how to draw! You can find my twitch and other stuff at

Also check out and !

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I'm Gaige, and I have intelligence 22 but wisdom 6. I stream rpgs and whatever else strikes my fancy over at

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Drawn by my wonderful friend @/GaigeNeumann

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Hello! I'm Gaige, a mechanic, gremlin, and variety streamer who plays all sorts of stuff and is trying to learn digital art! I stream at

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Hi! I'm Gaige, and I'm a mechanic and chaotic gremlin who plays old games and rpgs! I'm currently finishing up ff9, partway through salt and sanctuary, and will be doing an art stream later tonight!

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Thinking about Gaige in royal outfits because he IS royalty now....

🎨 - sssssamsara

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Gaige takin a selfie
[borderlands fanart]

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Always nice to see the flying rock about. I'm Gaige! I'm a gremlin, mechanic, and variety streamer, and I hate OSHA about as much as they hate the stuff I make.

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I'm Gaige, and I stream old RPGs and build horribly unsafe but potentially fun machines.

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Hello again everyone! I'm Gaige, shitposting gremlin mechanic and variety streamer! I'm looking to potentially expand my repertoire with art, but uh, don't hold your breath. If any of this piques your interest, my schedule for the week should be out later tonight!

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Hey there, I'm Gaige! I enjoy futzing about with machines, playing games, and probably annoying John Twitch with my TOS-skirting antics.

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[Transfem] *daydreams of being Gaige*

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I'm Gaige, a tinker mechanic inventor other-word-which-means-plays-with-machines. I enjoy streaming older games for nostalgia, but I try to play a variety of stuff. Twitch link is in my profile!

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“G-gaige?? Are you sure this will bring in more money?? Ive never wore anything like this sure they’ll like it?”
“Oh honey… they will be eating it up Tokami~”
A wonderful commission by for the raffle by !! Remember to untag when commenting!

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I'm Gaige, a mechanic and variety streamer! I don't have much in the way of lore at the moment, as I'm focusing more on my design and stream content. My streams are generally chill, but occasionally my inner gremlin comes out. My twitch link is in my profile! 💖

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