Trying to avoid GoT spoilers when you're an episode behind

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All this prep for a big Dragon Fight in Season 2 all we really needed was a Javelin throwing Super Zombie like The Night King

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I could not be less interested in this Jon/Danaerys thing everyone is obsessed with

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When you know the dragon death is coming but it rips your heart out anyways

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One more episode and then I have to wait till damn 2019....that's not nice.

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When you realize the Night King is really just Kaiba

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This will be a Sir Jorah Mormont. My favourite character from

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Watching Jon and Dany this season like....

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The Three Eyed Raven. And with Bran, I have painted all the remaining Starks 🐺>

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The Dothraki riding into battle like

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Winter is definitely coming. Ned Stark print on my etsy. bean

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