👀Let's make other NFT projects jelly...lol👹

Join us on OS: https://t.co/8wEQ2s30jx
Follow my Dev page:

40 135

Y'all got anymore of them goblins?👹

Join us on OS: https://t.co/8wEQ2s30jx
Follow my Dev page:

50 134

The Count of Monte Goblin...🧐


Join us on OS: https://t.co/8wEQ2s30jx
Follow my Dev page:

42 125

👹 🔥

Happy 4th of July Gobs!!

Join us on OS: https://t.co/8wEQ2s30jx
Follow my Dev page:

55 163

👹 Everyday I get closer...👀🔥

Join us on OS: https://t.co/8wEQ2s30jx
Follow my Dev page:

54 184

👹 Start your day right with a GOB!👀🔥

OS: https://t.co/8wEQ2s30jx
Follow my Dev page:

55 187

👹 ZZzzzZZzz Robotico out... I leave you this GEM.... Who will hatch such a perfect gob?

OS: https://t.co/8wEQ2s30jx
Follow my Dev page:

52 198

i think if ppl truly understood how hard im workin' on this they would be more fomo, theyd be like, WAIT WHAT? The dude barely sleeps? He giving it his whole heart and mind? He improves his workflow daily? 10K Legendary 1:1's??

Yeah, that's what I'm doing...

118 364

Please be aware of FAKE Discord links, only join the Discord in my profile


63 198

still awake, going on 20hrs, IDGAF... I work for my GOB FAM... I am giving 200% and nothing less... OS coming soon

Discord: https://t.co/eTNPCBh2S5

If you missed the announcement watch this: https://t.co/GfAl9Gmm7y

83 260

Once a Gob, Always a Gob...🔥

Discord: https://t.co/eTNPCBh2S5

If you missed the announcement watch this: https://t.co/GfAl9Gmm7y

73 210

These GOBS will take over OS and the World!!! LFG! 🚀🔥 ZZzzZZzZz gn....zzz..

Discord: https://t.co/eTNPCBh2S5

If you missed the announcement watch this: https://t.co/GfAl9Gmm7y

77 215

You in GoblinAi or out? ZZZzzzZzzz Gn gobs!👀

Discord: https://t.co/eTNPCBh2S5

If you missed the announcement watch this: https://t.co/GfAl9Gmm7y

67 206

Everyone has a choice whether you GOB or don't GOB. 🎨👀

Discord: https://t.co/eTNPCBh2S5

If you missed the announcement watch this: https://t.co/GfAl9Gmm7y

58 183